This Cab Driver Waited with Female Passengers for 1.5 Hours, As Their Residence Gate was Shut at 1 AM

With the ever-so-increasing rate of crimes against women, it is always great to hear stories about men going out of their way to safeguard the interests of females who find themselves to be in vulnerable situations.

Previously, a bus driver from Mumbai became a national hero after he made the entire bus wait till a female he had dropped to a deserted stop at around 1:30 AM managed to find an auto-rickshaw for herself, and now it is a cab driver working for Uber who has come to news for similar reasons.

It was an hour past midnight when Santosh dropped, Priyashmita Guha and her mother safe to their residence – only to find they were not able to make their way in, as the main gate was shut from inside. The driver then decided to stick around till they safely ventured inside their house, instead of leaving them in their situation, despite the fact that it took nearly 2 hours for them to manage to get in.

Santosh did not bother about the time, as he was more concerned about the safety of the two women.

How often is it that you get to see something like that on today’s times?

Priyashmita later shared her story on Twitter, expressing her gratitude for Santosh. The Tweet, needless to say, went viral, with more than 4000 reactions to it.

Bravo to this man for going out of his duty, just to safeguard the interests and well-being of the two deserted women.

Wish the whole world was filled with more people like him!
