Raveena Tandon Exposes Another Sexual Harassment Trend in Bollywood. Supports Tanushree in her Plea!

Raveena Tandon is the latest celebrity to join the list of those who are lending their voice and support to Tanushree Dutta.

Speaking about ‘workplace harassment’, Raveena gave a striking example of Bollywood as she called out not only the “male actors” for “chasing potential targets” but also their respective wives and girlfriends for remaining silent during the whole ordeal.

Here is what Raveena said on the instance:

“What defines harassment in a workplace? The fact that many industry wives/girlfriends are silent observers or instigators, when actor husbands destroy the actresses careers after the chase and flirtation is over, have them replaced with other potential targets?”

The statement does sound like an affirmation from someone who’s been in the industry long-enough to witness cases like these from her own eyes. The fact that she bluntly calls out these ‘male actors’ opens more gates to the possibilities of some other past-predators who leeched and preyed on aspiring talents.

Speaking more on her own personal experiences and being a witness to such cases ‘back in the day’, Raveena wrote a revelatory post on her blog. Here is what she further added on it:

“So who decides what is the truth? In the 1990s this was so prevalent, a married actor would have a discreet affair with the young heroine he was working with and expected the girl to show no emotion or sign of involvement. She would lose her films with the co-star, not be spoken to by the hero and his camp – get removed from whatever movies she would have with him and “his people-.”

Raveena further writes:

“And then would follow a spate of threatening interviews with her under pressure to keep quiet and watch her life and reputation being torn to bits, while the hero would tarnish her name and reputation and in some interviews proving his machismo image even threaten to  “break the girls face” if she spoke about him.”

You can read more from Raveena’s eye-opening, revelatory account on her Times Of India blog post here.

