Pooja Bhatt: “Not Every Man Is A Sexual Predator”

In the wake of the #MeToo movement and the floodgates of allegations that seem to have opened in Bollywood, former actress and filmmaker Pooja Bhatt also wants to stress on the fact that not every man should is a rapist or a sexual predator.

Pooja, who herself had shared her #MeToo story by reflecting back on an incident when one of her own friends had molested her in public, said in a recent statement that it would ‘unfair’ to look at every man through the same glasses.

Here is what she said:

“Every man in this world, just because he is a man, cannot be a sexual predator. And every woman, just because she is a woman, is not necessarily a victim. Sometimes she is also the perpetrator. To paint every man with the same brush is unfair”

#poojabhatt speaks out on the #metoo issue. Says not all men are predators and not all women are victims. Your thoughts?

She went further with her point:

“Is it is a reality in Bollywood? Yes, but it is a reality in media, politics, and college. It is a reality in every place where there is an exchange of power.

Pooja also stated how there are some women who would use ‘sexual favor’ for career and life advancements, while the media and online trials would result into the man and his family’s image being tarnished even before the case through the hands of the law.

“If there is an exchange of power, there are situations where woman utilises their sexuality to be able to gain that foothold. There are women who marry someone because he is a powerful person. That’s not different from a woman who wants to go out there and exchange sexual favours for fame. There are also cases where men have been blamed for cases where they were truly innocent and yet there is a trial by media before and then the court case comes in their favour but by then their reputation and family life already is ruined.”

Pooja does have a point here. The conclusion of her assertion being – Let law take its course and let us not start looking at every man with suspicion in your eyes.

Fair play.

What do you think?
