Kerala Man Gives Perfect Response To Trolls Who Fat-Shamed His Wife!

If people in the real world, criticizing and judging each other based on their appearance, wasn’t enough – internet seems to have taken things to a whole new level.

The instances of online trolls, body-shaming men and women, for not meeting whatever ‘beauty standards’ they have had in their minds, are constantly increasing. The sense of empathy and etiquette seem to be slowly vanishing as everyone gets to hide behind the anonymity of ‘virtual profiles.’

And Bollywood celebs aren’t the only ones who are at the receiving end of such nasty comments.

A popular Vlogger from Kerala recently uploaded an inspiring video calling-out those who have been passing distasteful remarks towards his wife’s appearance.

Sujith Bhakthan – who creates travel vlogs, which also feature his wife, Shweta – was upset with the way people were constantly fat-shaming her in the comments – but chose to respond to it in the utmost classy manner.

With a calm smile on his face and his wife standing by his side, Sujith insisted that there’s more to beauty than what people see on the outside. He also asserts that he “loves ‘thadi’ (which means fat), as he wraps his arms around his better half.

The video is obviously in his native language, but here’s part of the translated message he’s trying to pass to everyone:

“Don’t heavier people also have a right to live? It’s not just thin people or those who weigh less who are beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way. Real beauty is inside you. It’s not about being fat or thin.”

He also states:

“I take these comments positively. While they may take it positively, people really shouldn’t post such awful comments.”

As you’d expect, his video is now viral and has since been viewed nearly 900K times.

Watch it below:

Beautiful, isn’t it?

More power to Sujith and Shwetha. Because beauty, truly does, comes in all color, shape and sizes.

What do you think?
