Female Cop Mothering Her Child While Also Severing People, Becomes Internet’s New ‘Viral Hero’!

Another day, another inspiring viral story from from across the nation.

This time it is a picture of a female cop who is being labeled as a ‘superwoman’ by internet, for taking care of her ‘motherhood’ duties while being on service – hand in hand.

The viral image hails from a Police Station in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, features – ‘Archana’, a who recently turned into a mother, looking after her six month old baby while also handling her job.

After taking a sabbatical during the birth of her child, Archana soon returned to her duties to serve the public and has been hailed from the police department for not only working hard but also fully taking care of her job as a mother, by bringing her newborn to work.

The viral image which features her baby on the very table across which she is seen working, also made it’s way to local newspapers and she has now turned into internet’s new inspiration.







For those making petty excuses in their lives to get away from their responsibilities, this is surely an inspiration. And also a good reminder of how our men and women in uniform, have to be in service for us, no matter what.

