This Beauty with a Prosthetic Leg Has Made it to the Final’s of Miss Italy!

Many a times the mainstream beauty pageant competitions get criticized for keeping a mostly narrow perspective of what it means to be ‘beautiful’, a paradigm not many may really fall into.

Chiara Bordi – an Italian beauty, who lost her leg following a bike accident when she was only 13, is defying part of such norms by appearing at the Miss Italy beauty competition, with her prosthetic leg.

Sto guardando il telegiornale. Dicono che ieri sera una ragazza molto bella di Tarquinia si è classificata al terzo posto a Miss Italia. Guardando le immagini scopro che questa ragazza, Chiara Bordi, non ha una gamba, ha una protesi. Chiara ha perso una gamba a causa di un incidente in motorino. Poi la giornalista del Tg3 dice che nei giorni scorsi Chiara Bordi è stata oggetto di insulti di ogni tipo sul web. La persona più gentile le ha scritto che fa pena. Adesso mi chiedo: ” Che significa questa rabbia? Perché una ragazza così dovrebbe essere insultata e diventare oggetto di improperi?” Una donna alla quale viene amputata una gamba a dodici anni che non accetta di essere menomata e trattata come disabile, che desidera vivere una vita normale, non dovrebbe essere ammirata? #chiarabordi @chiarabordi_ #missitalia #missitalia2018 @missitalia #diversity #love

PARTICIPANTE DEL MISS ITALIA Se realizó la final del #MissItalia 2018 y el evento tuvo la participación especial de @chiarabordi_ de solo 18 años que a diferencia de las demás candidatas no tenía una pierna, pero sí poseía una prótesis que en ningún momento dificultó su participación llegando a ser parte del #Top3 y obtener el 3er lugar Felicidades #ChiaraBordi ya que demostraste que nada es imposible 👑 . #MissPeru2018 #MissTeen #MissTeen2018 #MissPeruUniverse #MissUniverse #MissPeruWorld #MissWorld #MissGrandPeru #MissGrandInternational #MissPeruInternational #MissInternational #MissPeruEarth #MissEarth #MissesDelPeru #missesdelperú

People can’t help but applaud the 18 year old’s inspiring journey and her determination to make it to the top at the ongoing competitions, despite the online criticism, trolling and hate-messages she keeps on getting, from those who think her success at the show is because of her physical condition.

#MissItalia #missbionica i nostri in bocca al lupo a #ChiaraBordi che sta facendo conoscere il tema della disabilità, non più come un limite ma come una risorsa! . . . #innovazioneperlavita #storieperlavita #medtechlife #press #disabilità #protesi #innovazione #abilità #senzabarriere #oltrelebarriere #nolimits #finale #media #fingercross #17settembre2018

+++ INSULTI SOCIAL PER LA MISS IN GARA CON PROTESI ALLA GAMBA +++ . . “Ti votano perché sei storpia […] vuoi fare pena agli italiani”. . . COSÌ, LA SOLITA SICCITÀ MENTALE ALL’ITALIANA CHE GENERA RUMORE STERILE E INVOLUTIVO. . . #MissItalia #Miss #ChiaraBordi #gara #Italia #disabilità #disability #reginetta #salsomaggioreterme #beauty #bellezza #bellezzaitaliana #18anni #diciottenni #diciottenne #diciottoanni #TARQUINIA #Viterbo #Etruria #MissEtruria #etrusche #haters #maancheno #peace

The model also took the time out to respond to such trolls as she stated:

“I’m missing a leg, but you’re missing a heart and brain.”

Bordi has now made it to the finals, but insists her main intention is to pass her message about beauty, that transcends such unforeseen circumstances in life.

“I’m not interested in winning, but showing the world that life is still beautiful (even) when reborn after a dramatic event,” she told AFP.

👑 “ฉันขึ้นเวทีกับความไม่แน่นอนบางอย่าง ฉันมาเพื่อต่อสู้กับอคติ ที่ต่อต้านขีดจำกัด ฉันเดินและเห็นรอยยิ้ม ได้ยินเสียงปรบมือ ฉันรู้สึกปลอดภัยขึ้น ฉันถูกเติมเต็มด้วยความภาคภูมิใจ นี่เป็นเวทีแรก แต่ฉันรู้สึกภูมิใจ เหมือนกับว่า ฉันชนะไปแล้ว” – ผู้เข้ารอบ 3 คนสุดท้าย มิสอิตาลี #ChiaraBordi #missitaly #missuniverse #inspiration Cr. @saraupdate

Beautiful inside out, isn’t she?

What do you think?
