In this MP village: Students cross Forests and Rivers Everyday to reach School

How many times did you – the kid who grew up in the metropolitan cities of India – took your education and schooling for granted? How many times do you see young kids around you, who have the comfort and means to get themselves a decent education, take it all for granted?

For some kids out there in the remote localities of our country, getting an education or simply going to school everyday is a challenge most of us can not even comprehend. Such is the case in Mehgaon – a small Nagar panchayat in the Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh – where students have to literally cross forests and rivers in order to reach school everyday.

Due to the absence of any secondary schooling facility in Mehgaon, the students have to travel 7 KM everyday to the nearest school in Bori, which requires them to not only cross a forested area but also cross the Ganjal river through boats – every single day.

The locals have often requested for the construction of a bridge to help make the travel easy, but the same has not been provided so far. Despite multiple requests and letters to the concerned authorities, no such development seems to be there in the pipeline.

The students of Mahgaon, on the other hand, are determined to complete their education – even if it means crossing the river, and walking through the forests, day after day.

Hope the concerned authorities respond to their pleas and the students get a safer, better route to their school soon.
