Badminton Stars Saina Nehwal and Parupalli Kashyap to Get Married in December!

Its raining weddings in India it seems.

The past few months have been filled with news and talks about the who’s who of B-town tying the knot with their long-term confidantes and now its the turn of our sports persons to do the same.

Saina Nehwal and Parupalli Kashyap are soon to be wedded as confirmed by a few reliable sources, close to the couple.

The Badminton ace players have found love off the court, and are planning to make it official by the end of this year. According to online reports, the duo will be wedded on December 16th – in a private ceremony, to be attended only by their near and dear ones.

“Both families had been planning the wedding for a while now. Now they have finalized the date. The arrangements are all for December 16,” Times Of India quoted a close-source.

দেশের দুই তারকা ব্যাডমিন্টন খেলোয়াড় সাইনা নেহওয়াল ও পারুপাল্লি কাশ্যপ বিবাহ বন্ধনে আবদ্ধ হতে চলেছেন। চলতি বছরের ১৬ ডিসেম্বর তাঁরা বিয়ে করছেন বলে খবর। #BadmintonPlayer #SainaNehwal and #ParupalliKashyap are going to get #married on #16thDecember this year . #WNLNews #SportsNews

Despite “being together” for nearly a decade, both Sania and Parupalli managed to keep their relationship under the wraps and never really spoke about it, or confirmed it for that matter – keeping their link-up limited only to their immediate group of friends, they were usually seen hanging out with.

As the two seasoned stars of the sport tie the knot later this year, they will join the string of other love-struck couples who culminated their relationships with fellow sports-persons of the shuttle game!

Congratulations are certainly in order!
