Indian Idol contestant reveals physical abuse behind stage. Mini Mathur agrees!

All that glitters is not gold.

We all know how various reality TV show have been involved in controversies of one sort or another be it the allegations of them being scripted to the unethical things that take place behind the camera. The shows which revolve around ‘hunting talents’ among young people, are no exception.

Indian Idol – one of the oldest singing competitions in the country, which invites and attracts lakhs aspiring vocalists to the auditions, every year is now marred with a brand new controversy.

A former contestant of the show has revealed the gruesome, unsympathetic atmosphere that participants have to deal with, behind all the glitzy stuff that is shown on the camera.

Nishant Naik – ex-contestant of the popular singing show, has alleged a form of physical abuse which took place in the 2012 season of the show.

Speaking on his experience on Twitter, Nishant vented:

“Brief, nonchalant thread about my auditioning experience at Indian Idol 2012 and why I think it is a perfect platform to destroy your dreams as opposed to its common perception as a breeding ground for talent.”

He further revealed how one of the contestants was even slapped behind the camera, when complaining about the hours of delays caused by the judges.

“At this point one of the aspirants lost his shit and stood up, demanding to see where the auditions were happening, to see the judges. One of the crew members charged up to him and slapped him. In front of thousands of people. SLAPPED.A.CONTESTANT. Yes, this happened.”

He further summarized his experience stating:

“My summarized observation of Indian Idol was that it decorates and recognizes maybe 10 or less, very worthy participants annually. But en route it quashes a million people’s hearts by disrespecting them, ridiculing and abusing them, denying them a conducive atmosphere to contest.”

Sort of affirming the nature of abuse, the show’s former host Mini Mathur also responded to Nishant, agreeing that the behavior and the atmosphere was one of the reasons why she quit the show.

Wonder what the existing judges have to say about that!

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