Top Ten Bollywood Horror Movies that you shouldn’t watch alone!

This is something that should actually be applied to all horror movies. Apart from a few exceptions, almost all horror flicks are best-confronted while being watched alone – i.e., if you want to multiply the freaky experience by a thousand.

Even a simpleton horror film may work your nerves, which otherwise may look passable while watching in a group. But then there are also those flicks that are going to give your nightmares for days – especially if you fetch the courage to indulge on them on your own.

So, we have attempted to compile a list of some of the freakiest, creepiest and scariest horror flicks that are going to make you run for your life, if you dare to go for a solo-viewing!

From the cliched horror sequences of the many ‘Bhatt-camp’ movies to the ‘supernatural, situational horror’ created in many Ram Gopal Varma movies – we have put together the Top 10 best horror movies that are scarier when watched alone.

Want to see which ones made it to the Top 3?

Check out the list below:


Would you take on the dare of a lone-viewing of any of these?

Pass on the challenge to your pals…
