10 Shocking Footage of Flood Accidents to Remind You One Should Never Play with Nature!

There is nothing more scary than a gigantic water-body taking a deadly facet and swiftly flooding the nearby surroundings.  

But there are still people who are willing to take the risk of stepping out of the safety zones, sometimes for the sake of ‘a few moments of thrills’, and sometimes to not let the flooding disrupt their daily routine.

There have been many viral instances revealed through some shocking file-footage, where lives have been lost – simply because people were not willing to let go of their “shortcuts”, which were soon about to be washed off with a forceful current of a flooded river – a risk many people seem to take, just to save a few minutes off their time.

Not everyone turns out to be lucky to make it to the other side, though.

One such video, compiling 10 jaw-dropping and super-scary instances of “bad decisions” at times of natural calamities – showcases how it is always better to be ‘cautious’, than… no more!

How many of these manage to see another day, find it out by watching the video yourself:
(Warning: Some of the imagery may be disturbing, viewer discretion is advised)

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Moral of the story: When you see an angry river, just stay out of its path.

Way out.


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