Woman gang-raped by three men in moving auto in Gurugram, her 8 month old baby thrown out to death

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In an incident that is going to fill you with rage against the culprits, a 23 year old woman was gang-raped by three unidentified men in a moving auto in Gurugram (formerly known as Gurgaon), who also killed her 8 month old baby girl by throwing her out of the vehicle.

This happened close to midnight on the 29th of May, when victim ventured out of her house after getting involved into a fight with her neighbors.  The 23 year old woman decided to stay the night at her parent’s place following the quarrel, since her husband was away for work at that time.

What was the follow was a spine chilling incident, that has sparked a nation-wide outrage since it came to light on Monday, when the woman finally filed gang-rape charges against the three men.

As the mother took a shared auto to head to her parent’s house on Khanda road, the three men on-board, started harassing her and threw her 8 month old out of the auto when she protested.

Her complaint to the police stated, “Within minutes of me taking my seat, they started molesting me. I resisted and screamed and my child started crying. They snatched her and threw her on the road. My wails did not deter them and they raped me and then fled.”

The 8 month old baby died of head injuries after being thrown on the concrete sides of the road. “I became numb from that point. All I remember is seeing my child’s head hitting the road divider,” the FIR of the victim reads.

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The horror did not end there as the young mother carried her dead baby in her arms and traveled through the metro to rush to a doctor, who announced to her that the child had died.

A senior police officer told New agencies, “Earlier, we had registered a case under relevant sections of murder, molestation and common intent against unknown persons after the woman refused to undergo medical examination. We are investigating it further,”

How many more of such incidents will it take to change the system or the society?


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