OOPS!! Porn Clip plays on big screen in Delhi's Rajiv Gandhi metro station!!

In an incident that has left the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, and the passengers alike, red-faced, it was reported that on 9th of April a porn clip apparently got played on a large screen LCD at one of Delhi’s busiest Metro Stations, Rajiv Chowk.

Some of the passers-by were so embarrassed that they preferred to completely ignore it, while some happened to record and spread it on social media.

DMRC has ordered probe to find out how it occurred in the first place.

“The LED TV (Smart TV having multiple features) system was under commissioning and wifi port was accessible. Prima facie,as per CCTV footage, 3 men have run porn clip through their mobile on this TV at Rajiv Chowk station. Attempts are being made to identify these men. CCTV Footage is under examination to identify the culprits,” DMRC spokesperson Anuj Dayal said.

Imagine being there with your naughtiest friends and the ruckus it might have caused.

Embarrassing to say the least..!!


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